Thursday, August 25, 2011

From Ralph Hay:
To All Old 320 Members –

Time is drawing close for our yearly departure to the Ranch. I would like to touch base with each of you on a couple of matters as follows:

· If you will not be using your Cooking Site in the Old 320 Area, and willing to let someone else cook on it, please let me know. OR, if you have given someone permission to use your Site, I need to know either way. We have a lot of new qualified Cooks that are coming to Terlingua and they would like to cook in the Old 320 Area.

· ALSO, All Pods that have an Old 320 Site, I need to know who the POD MEMBER is that is cooking on the Pod’s Site.

· We are still taking Orders from Pods for The Wall Plaque. The cost of the Plaque is $200.00 and it dresses up the Wall to the North side of the Old 320 Area. I will have forms available at the Great Peppers Meeting; if you want, you can call me and I will mail you one.

Thank you all, may everyone have a safe trip to the Ranch, can’t wait to see you.

From Tony Gamez, MCFA Event Coordinator:

I would like to make a small change to our schedule of October 15th Mansfield Cook-off.
We are leaving the $25. entry fee but we want to delete the $40. late fee. Also we will make an earlier turn-in time. It will be 1:30 pm
It will show like this.
Entry fee $25. Turn-in time 1:30 pm.
From Colleen Hall:
Schedule Madison Chili Cook-off & Fall Festival Schedule for Oct 1st as follows:

07:00–9:00 a.m. Chili Set-up - all vehicles must be clear before 9:00. Public arrives at 11:00

Chili cooks set up tents on Jefferson St outside of Town Park

Vendor parking next to Madison Hardware on Washington St.

09:00 a.m. Chili Competition begins – Cooks are responsible for reviewing all rules and regulations before cooking.

09:30 a.m. Chili Cooks Meet - Judges’ containers & contestant numbers handed out at this meeting

11:30 p.m. Open Chili turn-in

12:30 p.m. CASI Chili turn-in

12:30-2:30 p.m. Public sampling of Chili (until chili runs out)

02:00-2:30 p.m. Peoples’ Choice ballots picked up

11:30-3:00 p.m. Cook-off judging under tent

3:30 p.m. Announcement of winners, Chili winners, Showmanship Award, and Peoples’ Choice Award

4:00 p.m. Break down begins once festival closes – no cars in festival area until after 4:00 P.M.

NOTE:  If you are an Officer, Regional Referee or an Area Referee and your dues are not paid to September 30, 2012, please do so now so that your Pod Credentials are complete and your Great Pepper will be seated at the Great Pepper's Meeting.  If they are not paid by Monday, I will publish the list.