Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Addition to Wednesday's Post

RULE CHANGE:Remember that this is the year to submit any proposed rule change! If your Pod is considering a proposal, this must be sent to me by Aug 15. Once I receive them, I will put the package together and send them to each Great Pepper so that they can be considered and voted on. The form to submit a rule change is located in the Resource Center on the web page (

Annual Credential Report:. Each Pod must complete their Annual Credential Report and send them to me either by email or snail mail by Aug 15. I have received quite a few already. Remember that all Officer,s including Regional and Area Referees must have their dues paid to September 30, 2012! Those dues can be sent to Dairn Jester, Membership Director, by using PayPal which is located on the web page (, or sent to me with your annual report.

Nomination Application If you plan on running for a CASI Board of Director's position, the package must be sent to me by August 15, 2011. There are 4 Positions up for election. At this time, I have received 4 package and they are from Jim Ezell, Jen Windsor, Glenda Vrbe, and Lee Kroencke. Once all the packages are in, they will be sent to the Nominations Committee for review and then they will be published as well as sent to the Great Pepper's.

Great Pepper's Meeting Agenda. The agendas for both the Board of Director's Meeting on Friday morning and the Great Pepper's Meeting on Saturday will be prepared and sent after August 15, 2011. Following the CASI Board of Director!s, there will be a Forum addressing the proposed Rule changes. On Friday afternoon, there will be a Round Table Forum to introduce the Nominations for the 4 CASI Board of Director's Position up for election.