Friday, May 7, 2010

From Ron Barnes:
It’s not too early to start making your plans to attend the 31st Annual Top of Texas Kickoff Cookoff at the Elk’s Lodge in Irving. The main event is being held on Saturday, May 15th with a “Day after TOT” cookoff on Sunday. For Saturday, we have goody bags for the first 75 registered cooks. We will have a Friday night cook’s party provided by the Lodge. Saturday, the lodge will have breakfast (for a donation) and lunch available. We will have a pot luck dinner Saturday night so stay and party with the winners. Chili entry is $20 with a 2:00 p.m. turn-in. Beans ($5 with 100% payback) and junior chili (free) turn-in at noon. There is no minimum age for junior cooks but they must cook their own chili. Sunday’s entry is $18 and is chili grind only. It’s not too late to send in your pre-registration (see attached flyer below). Look forward to seeing you there!

From Barbara Herrin:
Make plans to come to Sweetwater on May 22 for a great CCO.

From Ralph Hay:

The Ballot with the motion made at Terlingua is ready, and will be mailed out Friday. Please read this motion and mail back to me A.S.A.P. Also, included with this Ballot is an updated PROFILE. I know that several of you have submitted a Profile to me in the past - THIS PROFILE IS UPDATED TO INCLUDE YOUR WISHES ON WHO YOU WISH TO BEQUEATH YOUR SITE TO UPON YOUR DEATH. This is pretty point blank, but we have been running into some issues with he said, she said. Members, this is an important Document that HAS to be in writting, with your signature attached. We need to know who you want your Site to fall into the hands of.

Please vote and fill out your Profile.

Thank you , Ralph Hay, Alcalde

Have a Great Weekend!  Our weather here in West Texas looks like it will be a really nice day for cooking chili.  I hope it is the same for you if your are cooking chili this weekend.