Thursday, July 23, 2009

News is short today, in fact I did not receive anything to post. I do want to remind each of the Pods that to have a complete Annual Report, all of the officers (including Referees) must have their dues paid through 09/30 2010. This must be accomplished by the Report deadline which is August 15. Of the reports that I have already received, this seems to be the only problem which is keeping a pod from having their Credentials cleared for the Great Pepper's Meeting.

I want to remind anybody planning on attending the Great Pepper's Meeting in Midland that they need to have made reservations and sent in their registration to Patsy Childress. The Registration must be returned no later that August 17th. After that there will be a $15 late fee applied.

Application for a Board of Director Position should be submitted to Karen Bains by August 15. Consider being a Board of Director. The pay is GREAT and you have the satisfaction of helping an organization that you believe in and support. We need YOU and your ideas and assistance.

I want to once again remind each pod that is planning on participating in the Newspaper Contest to send need a copy of your July, August, & September Pod Newsletters to Roger Foltz. We have some wonderful newsletters that the pods are producing. I appreciate each of you sending me a copy of your newsletter. It really let's us know what it happening.

Enough for today. It is raining here. Yesterday in less than an hour we got 2". We need it and it saved me from helping Cliff cut the grass today. Have a GREAT DAY.