Friday, September 30, 2011

Fire Extinguisher Inspection
By Darin P. Jester
If you have a fire extinguisher then you should be checking it on your own each month to ensure your unit is in working order. It is also a good idea to have it checked out once a year by a company licensed to perform a more extensive inspection.
Spending a few minutes every month could save you a lifetime of heartache so follow these steps below to ensure that your fire extinguisher is in perfect working order.
Steps to Performing a monthly inspection for your fire extinguisher:
1. Schedule your inspection at the same time every month. Keep a calendar with a big red X on the date of each month. Generally, you should have one person perform the task each time while another looks on for reference. Have a checklist handy with the date of each fire extinguisher inspection and follow each step until complete. Be sure to mark the date of inspection on the inspection tag of your fire extinguisher.
2. Your extinguisher should not be blocked by any anything like coats or objects that may interfere with the access in case of an emergency. Make sure if the fire extinguisher is in your motor home or camper, it is easily accessible and not in a cabinet or under a seat.
3. Always check to ensure that the pressure of the fire extinguisher is at the recommended level by checking the gauge to confirm that the needle is in the green zone which will show that the pressure is right where it should be.
4. Make sure the nozzle or other parts of the extinguisher are not obstructed in any way.
5. If your portable fire extinguishers have a pin and tamper seal, check to see if they are intact and undamaged.
6. Check for dents, rust, leaks or any sign of abuse or wear. Take a damp rag and wipe off any gunk or dirt that may have accumulated on the extinguisher.
7. It has been recommended by some manufacturers to shake your extinguisher once a month to prevent the powder from settling to the bottom.
8. Every few years your fire extinguisher should be pressure tested by a licensed service center to ensure the cylinder is safe to use. Your owner’s manual or inspection tag should inform you when yours may need this test. If you cannot find the tag, and your extinguisher is more than 6 years old, you might want to replace it.  Several hardware stores, Wal-Mart and RV/Camper retailers sale them.  
9. If you notice that your fire extinguisher has become damaged or is in need of a complete recharging, it should be replaced immediately.
10. VERY IMPORTANT: Immediately after using your fire extinguisher (no matter how much), be sure to replace the extinguisher or have the fire extinguisher recharged to ensure that it will be ready in the event of another fire.
From Dana Plocheck
Hey Folks,
It’s the first weekend of the new year and we have 18 cookoffs in 9 states; that’s awesome!!  I would love to have a picture or pictures of your winner(s) for the Trails so let’s see how many of those cookoffs we can get represented in the November issue.  It would be awesome if we could get pictures from ALL 18 cookoffs.  So, don’t forget to have someone take pictures this weekend during all the fun and excitement! 
Good luck to everyone!

From Robert Anweiler
If you've got the time we've got the Chili. Chilifest is this Saturday in Fort Wayne!
Come out and Cook or just enjoy the great chili. Categories include: CASI,Red,White,Chile Verde,and Salsa!