Thursday, January 13, 2011

From Earl Who? Gorhum:

Here are directions to The cookoffs at Wolfies on Lake Conroe this weekend

From Houston take I-45 north to Conroe to loop 336 on the south side of Conroe.  

Take the loop 336 west (under Freeway) to State highway 105 west.

Turn left and proceed toward Montgomery over the San Jacinto River bridge.

Once over the bridge continue west to the next traffic light
There will be a Jack In The Box on your right by the water and a Sonic on your left.

Go past these and at the top of a small hill there will be a road on your right leading to the City Park and to Wolfies turn right there and go past the City Park to Wolfies.

R V Parking will be on the west side ( left side) of the parking lot as you enter.  Please park in an efficient manner so that we can get as many RVs parked as efficiently as possible.

For those coming from the north side of Texas come down I-45 to Conroe 

Exit at the FM 3083/Teas Nursery Rd and turn right to Highway 105 

Turn right on 105 and follow above directions.

There are two hotels across the highway 105 from Wolfies for those wanting to stay without an RV.  They are the Best Western and the Super 8.

We will be cooking on the Lake so please be prepared in case it turns cool and windy.

Weather forecast is cool with a 20 % chance of rain.

Terlingua Trails:  If you want to have an article, ad, picture, etc in February's Terlingua Trails, you must have it sent to Dana Plocheck no later than January 15.

CASI Board of Director's Meeting:  If you want to have something on the agenda for the Winter Board of Directors Workshop, please send me the information by January 15.

Scholarship Applications:  If you somebody applying for the CASI Scholarship, please remind them that the application is to be to the Great Pepper in their area by January 15.  The Great Pepper will review it and ensure that all the information is there and then forward it to Barbara Herrin.  Her email address is and her home address is Barbara Herrin, 7291 FM 380, Paint Rock, TX  76866.