Monday, August 31, 2009

Congratulations to Fred Lazarus and Sherril Lloyde on their Marriage. It's about time guys! We are all very happy for both of you.

If you go to the web page ( and you go into the Resource Center, you will find the CASI Memorial Scholarship Contribution Form under the Misc heading and there is a new heading "Old 320 Documents and Information." This contains the documents pretaining to the Old 320 to inculde the site map.

It is getting close to the Great Pepper's Meeting in Midland. I hope to have the Draft of the Agenda ready to share in the next couple of days. Remember: Only NEW State Championships must submit an application. Regional Opens must apply each year.

From Lee Kroencke:

Check out the details in the attachment for the upcoming Little Balkins Chili cook-off. There is something here for everyone, and a special reason for you to compete and invite those friends of yours that always seem interested in chili but for some reason keep watching from the sidelines.

This is an opportunity for first time cooks to go "toe to toe" with CASI's best chili cooks for miles around. Somebody's going to win ~ it just might be YOU. The rules are simple.. Go to for details. And consult other Gladiators and all your chili friends for their best chili secrets. We look forward to meeting you and many new first time cooks and seeing old friends.