Friday, August 14, 2009

From Nancy Natardus:

From Larry Wampler:

This is a new CCO for the Hunt Co. Kids, this is for their Christmas Party. Bring a extra ice chest, there going to be 3 meat package on the raffle table from Gormans Meat Mkt.

Date 10/10 &10/11/09
Location 236 West Hi 276 -- West Tawakoni, TX about 6 miles East of Quinlan, TX
Name & Charity -- Sat---Hunt Co Kids Sunday American Legion Post # 517
CASI Sanctioned & Rules Both Days Meat-- Ground Beef Only
Checks--Sat--Hunt Co Kids Sunday American Legion Post # 517

Beans @ noon Sat $5.00 top 3 CASI Chili @ 1:00 PM and @ 12:00 noon Sunday $20.00 both days

Raffle table--50/50 drawing Free BBQ lunch for Chili Cks on Sat and @ Cook's party Sat nite
RSVP for Dry RV parking and maybe Cook's party Fri. nite (American Legion has 2 pool tables) and 2 other Club near by.
Contact::Larry Wampler (903) 450-5541( or June Appler (903) 356-2789 or cell (214) 534-1622 or Tom Cope (903) 447-4247

From Bruce Smith:

We had a great turn out at VFW 9095 in Little Rock for the Ark. State Men's and Women's Chili Cookoff Saturday August 8th. Big thanks goes out to the VFW 9095 for all their help and a place to hold our cookoff. We had 30 Men's Chili and 25 Women's Chili Judged.

Arkansas State Women's Results 25 Chilis Judged

1. Anne Braud Springfield, AR.
2. Susan Hammock North Little Rock, AR.
3. Cheryl Oswalt Little Rock, AR.
4. Donna Jones Roland, AR.
5. Rita Farner Little Rock, AR.
6. Rachel Mckinney Little Rock, AR.
7. Beverly Mosley Little Rock, AR.
8. Lynn Murray Como, MS
9. Pam McGraw Little Rock, AR.
10. Patti Watkins Fort Smith, AR.

1. Hillbilly Chili 2 Rheaba Goeble Ft. Smith, AR
2. Invisible Chili Karen Bailey Maumelle, AR
3. Line Gang 2 Erma Smith Ft. Smith, AR.

Arkansas State Men's Results 30 Chilis Judged

1. Bo Prewitt North Little Rock, AR
2. John Willinghoff North Little Rock, AR
3. Bill Watkins Ft. Smith, AR.
4. Steve Doss Shreveport, LA.
5. Matt Zimmerman Oppello, AR
6. Rick Williams Memphis, Tn
7. Dick Wagner Little Rock, AR
8. Tim Swicegood Maumelle, AR
9. Preston Nickle North Little Rock, AR
10. Stuart Frye Little Rock, AR


1. Hillbilly Chili Steve Goeble Ft. Smith, AR
2. Cowboy Chili Bob Cagle Bigelow, AR
3. Line Gang Chili Guy Smith Ft. Smith, AR.

Note: Please keep Kelly Draper and his family in your prayers. He lost his Dad, John Gordon Draper on July 31. A Celebration of Life Service was held on Tuesday, August 4, 2009.

From Sherrie Davis:

NOTE: The Concho Valley Chili Pod CCOs scheduled for Labor Day Weekend has a change of location. Instead of being held at Ashley Furniture, they will be held at Water Valley Park.

Be sure to review the 2nd Post from Yesterday. It has the information concerning Rusty Paske's funeral. It also has the Application for a Board of Director's position from Dana Plocheck.

As of last night I have 57 returned Annual Reports. Remember that Saturday is the last day to mail your report and it not be considered late. Most of the reports are complete. The one item that has been a problem is ensuring that all of your officers to include your referees must have their dues paid until 09/30/2010. You must check the date of your membership. You can find it in CIS. Many of you think that we are on a 1 Oct to 30 Sep cycle for membership. That is not the case. Your membership date is the date that your dues are recorded by the Membership Chairman. It is the date that he receives you payment for your dues. For some of you, that means if you are an officer, you may have to pay your dues to sometime in 2011 to have your dues paid through the 30 Sep requirement.

Also remember that Saturday is the last day to Register for the Great Pepper's Meeting without being charged with a late fee. Please get your registration into Patsy Childress immediately.

One last item. If you are planning to run for a CASI Board of Director's position, your application needs to be sent to Karen Bains by Saturday, Aug 15. At the present time the following people have announced their candidacy: Dana Plocheck, Jen Windsor, Robert Schrade, Dale Reinecker, Kelly Brignon, Bill Pierson, and John Goforth.

Well, it is almost the weekend. I hope everybody has a Great Chili Weekend!! If you are still in need of points, may this be the weekend that you get them!