Tuesday, March 17, 2009

HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY! I hope you all are wearin' the green and having a day of Irish Luck!

From Connie Collier:


There will be a 42 tournament this year at Texas Men’s State. TMS 2009 dominoes will be awarded to the winners. The sign-up for the tournament will be held during Registration on Friday. Teams and table assignments will be drawn following Registration. The tournament will begin immediately following the Cook’s Supper on Friday night. Shut off time on Friday will be between 11:00-11:30 pm and play will continue if needed on Saturday night approximately 2 hours after results.

Extra card tables and dominoes are needed. If you have any questions e-mail Connie Collier at collier@snydertex.com or call (325)575-7014.
See ya’ll there, Connie Collier

From Shirley Statezcny:

Results of the Hermann Sons Cookoff

Despite the cold and wet weather, there was a good turn out for the Hermann Sons Retirement Home Cookoff in Comfort. There were 29 CASI cooks, 19 amateur cooks, and 21 beans. The Home provided good food and good music for the Friday night party (and a warm dry place to have it!).

CASI Chili
1. Kyle Bond, Kerrville
2. James Gillen , San Antonio
3 Mary Ellen Gillen, San Antonio
4. Annell Causey , Seguin
5. Pat Dreibrodt, Comfort
6. Traci Bond, Kerrville
7. Shirley Stateczny, Comfort
8. Charmaine Rogers, San Antonio
9. Sharon Roy, Johnson City
10. John Goforth, Comfort

1. Texas Peat – Sam L’Huillier, Marquette, Mich.
2. Shamrocks and Spice – Debbie LaLanne, Pipe Creek
3. The Money Girls – Mary Ellen Gillen, San Antonio

1. Doyle Smith, San Antonio
2. Pete Hernandez, San Antonio
3. Y. A. Niemietz, San Antonio

From Geroge Jowers, III:

Don't forget the 36th Annual San Antonio Pod Chili Cookoff and BBQ this weekend, March 21 & 22 at VFW 7108, 8759 FM 1560 N. south of Helotos. Take Culebra (FM 4710 off Loop 1604. Proceed W. 2 miles, to FM 1560 N. Turn right go 2 Mi. to VFW 7108. Entry fee $35 for both days if paid on Saturday, or $20 each day. Beans $10 60/40 split. Lone Star BBQ Chicken, Pork Ribs and Brisket. $20 each category or $50 for all three. Margarita-off Friday night, turn in 9 pm. Bloody Mary-off Saturday morning 10 am. Turn in times for chicken 11 am, beans 12 noon, ribs 1 pm, chili 2 pm, brisket 3 pm. Plenty of RV parking. Cooks party Friday night. Pot luck Saturday night. Music by Nigel Delgado Saturday night. Come on out for a good time. We will give to various charities in our area. Sunday, March 22nd, chili cookoff at same location. Turn in time 1 pm. Entry fee $20. Contact George Jowers for more info 210-696-2555

Concho Valley Chili Pod is having the Annual St Patrick's Day Extravaganza! It will be held at Water Valley Park. Saturday benefits: ESA Chapter, St Jude's Hospital. There will be Jackpot Beans (entry fee $5) turn in time at 12 Noon. CASI Chili (grind only) (entry fee $18) turn in time is 2 PM, and there will also be a Margarita Mix Off (entry fee $5) turn in at 3 PM. We will have a dessert auction, a 50/50 pot and a Raffle. The women from ESA will be there to assist and enjoy. Saturday Night we will have a Pot Luck Supper.

On Sunday, we will have CASI Chili (grind only) (entry fee $18) turn in will be 12 noon. It will benefit our Memorial Day Charities.

If you want more information, contact Janice Miller 325 947 8753 or Sherry Maus 325 658 7364.

A note from Lisa Bu, Web producer, Here on Earth Program (http://www.hereonearth.org) Wisconsin Public Radio:

Thank you and Honey Jones for the wonderful interview about chili. We've posted its MP3 online for free download for 2 months. Please feel free to load it to your own web site for permanent availability. http://www.wpr.org/hereonearth/podcast/hereonearth090313k.mp3

I have listen to it, and Honey did a great job holding her own against an author, Jane Butel. Jane is the author of "Chili Madness" and "Real Women Eat Chili." She has also been involved with the Tolbert Chili Cook offs. Thanks from all of us Honey!

Well, it may be about time to have some Irish Stew. Have a great Green Day!