Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Today I am sharing some of the decisions we made for TICC this year. We will again offer wine at the concession stand. It was received very favorable this year.

We will have a new Head Judge. It will be Diane Fitzhenry. We want to thank her for volunteering for this job. We would love to have a second person step up and volunteer to assist Diane. This is a big job and we need to have a lot of hands helping to make the job go smoothly. We want to thank Jim Luhn for his many years of service as head judge. He did this job for a lot of years. THANKS JIM.

Referees for the Saturday CCO will be Bill Pierson for the Tally Group and Renee Moore for the judging area. Since we require a Referee to be identified for all of our CCOs, this year we are identifying the referees for the TICC.

Of course we always need judges for both Friday and Saturday. If you know someone who would like to have an invitation to judge on Saturday, please send their name to Renee Moore. She will also have a sign up sheet at TICC for those who have not already volunteered to judge.

This last year there were no volunteers to assist in Highway Clean UP. Please consider volunteering to do this job. THANK YOU Scotty Johnson for doing this job by yourself last year. He has volunteered to be head up this job for a another year. It will be done on Wednesday at 9:00. Please consider helping Scotty.

Do remember that "First come, first choice" when it comes to parking. Of course, we need to remember to only take up as much room as you need so that there is a parking place for those arriving each day. The areas fill up fast and we want to make sure that there is a place for every cook to park.

That's enough about TICC today. I will continue that tomorrow.

Please remember, if you have something you want to share with all of us, send your articles to Bucky Seelig so that he can publish it in the Terlingua Trails. He is always looking for new material for the paper.

We will again have a Pod Newsletter Contest for the chili year 2009. Ken Rodd is the Director in charge of this event. I will provide the information for entering when it gets closer to time. We have some great newsletters, so it should be a great contest.

I need to remind you to always be on the lookout for the old style Coleman stoves so that we continue to have a supply for painted stoves.

This is enough for today, more to come tomorrow.