Friday, January 6, 2012

From Carolyn Seelig and Connie Collier:

and the

Ladies, Happy New Year to each of you.  It’s time to think about the Texas Ladies State CCO and your individual contributions to the CASI Scholarship Program for 2012.  Through your joint efforts, over $2,000.00 was raised last year and you were able to fund a technical school scholarship or one-half academic scholarship through the CASI Scholarship Program.  It was an awesome first-year showing of your dedication to strengthen and help guarantee the future success of the CASI Scholarship Program.  The deadline for your 2012 contributions will again be March 1st.  In January and February, email reminders will go to last year’s participants and notices will be posted on Ed’s Reflections and CHN.  Contribution Forms will be an attachment to the emails and available to print from Ed’s Reflections and hopefully, the CASI website.  Please feel welcome to encourage your friends to participate as an open invitation is extended to anyone who may be interested in joining the group for the first time in 2012.  Please call or email one of the contacts listed below if anyone has questions or wants information.  We need to add all new names to the group list as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Connie Collier                                                Carolyn Seelig            
home (325)573-7014                          home (830)997-0489
cell (325)575-7014                             cell (512)217-4301

It's  Friday!  This weekend there are several CCOs to choose from.  Here's hoping you have a great weekend and hopefully get some chili points!!!!  Remember "Chili, Charity and Fun."