Thursday, June 23, 2011

Congratulations to the Classic CASI Pod!  They are first to submit their completed Annual Report.  Thanks for your early reply.

From Nancy Hewlett:
Matthew even wore the Pepper that presented him at the time that I gave him his CASI Scholarship.


If you have not made your reservations at the Inn of the Hills Resort & Conference Center in Kerrville or at another lodging facility for the Great Pepper's Meeting, you need to do so.  Also, if you plan to attend this meeting, please fill out the registration and submit it.  All this information can be found on the CASI web page ( in the Resource Center,  It is labeled CASI 2011 Great Pepper's Information.  It has a list of lodging facilities and and the bottom there is the Registration package.  Please do this as soon as possible so that Texas Hill Country Pod and the other pods that are assisting them can make their final plans for the meeting.

If you want your Great Pepper to be nominate for Great Pepper of the year, please send your package to me by August 15, 2011.  The delegates to the Great Pepper's Meeting will be voting on this during the Great Pepper's Meeting.  The package consists of a letter to me telling why your Great Pepper should be chosen.

Remember that the CASI Board of Directors will be meeting this Saturday, June 25, 2011 at the Irving Elks in Irving, TX.  All CASI members are encouraged to attend.