Friday, December 3, 2010

I have no News for today, but I will use this time for information.

TABLE MONITORS have you reviewed the Rulebook lately?  It states the following:

"II.E7. TABLE MONITORS - Each judging table will have a knowledgeable table monitor to instruct judges, control table talk, answer questions, and enforce CASI judging rules. Discussion of the chili will not be permitted at judging tables.

a. DISQUALIFICATION OF CHILI - Any questions regarding disqualification of a chili will be directed to the head judge (and then to the CASI Referee if unresolved by the head judge) by the table monitor for a final decision.

b. INSPECTION OF CUPS - It is the responsibility of table monitors – especially on the preliminary tables – to remove each lid, look at the chili, and check each cup for interior marks and fillers before placing the chili on the table for judging.

c. CHECK COMPLETENESS OF JUDGING AND SCORE SHEETS - Table monitors will insure that each judge at the table has judged and scored each chili before releasing the judges. Table monitors also will insure that each judge signs his/her judging sheet before releasing the judges."

Are you doing all of the above when you are a table monitor?

There are a lot of CCOs scheduled for this weekend.  Here's hoping that you cook and score. If you can't cook chili, have fun doing your Holiday shopping.  Have a Great Weekend!