Friday, December 10, 2010

From Larry (Doc) Kinnison:

HO!  HO!  HO!  MERRY CHRISTMAS......How time goes by.  Just a couple of months ago we started the new chili year and now we are celebrating the holidays and getting ready to bring in The New Year.  It has been a good year for Carrie and I with many changes in our life.  We look forward to our retirement and our leisure time together and doing the good things life brings to us.  We are blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends that bring us so much joy and happiness.  Thanks to everyone for being a part of our life.  We enjoy and love our Chili Family!

Sending a word of cheer and wishing better health to Fae Paske, Terry Tenery, Bo Pruitt,Wendell Rankin and all those that we may not know that are having some challenging times.  May you all recover soon and be back on the chili trail with your chili family.
All the cooks that joined us at The Lake Country Lanes and CAST OFF CCO enjoyed the weekend in beautiful Marble Falls.  Our host served us Papa John's Pizza on Friday night and we thank them for their wonderful hospitality.  Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all our guest for supporting this cook off.  Thank You Jeanette Cardenas and all that helped out for the weekend.  Many found treasures on the CAST OFF table on Sunday.
OK is time to get your party shoes out of the closet and head on out to Kingsland for CHILI-CHARITY-FUN and The Best Party In Texas coming up on New Years weekend.  Just Because CCO on Thursday turn in at 8 P.M.  Friday is a Free Day .... sight seeing, golf, shopping or just some R & R.  Carrie was up to her elbows the other night cooking up chicken spaghetti to serve our guest before the New Year Party at The Kinnison Camp about 6 P.M. Side dishes are welcomed so please contact her at or 281-615-2408 if you would like to share to the menu.  The music starts at 8 P.M. and the Legion will have party favors,champagne, black eyed peas and cornbread at midnight.  BYOB or beer... .setups will be available for a small fee and admission is $10 per person for chili cooks.  Dress is nice casual or you can wear your party clothes. breakfast at 9 A.M.  Sausage gravy, biscuits, breakfast casseroles, pastry, fruit, juice and milk.  Chili turn in at 2 P.M.  Cooks meal served by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary an hour or so after turn in.  Please bring a desert or horsdoeuve to share with this meal.  Pack your PJ's  and get comfortable for fellowship and fun.  There will be dominos, cards and games .. breakfast at 9 A.M.  Breakfast tacos, fruit, pastry, juice and milk.  Chili turn in at 1 P.M.
There is a nice parking lot to park RV's, please be patient as we need to park efficiently to get everyone parked.  Please do not park or walk your pets across the street in the residential area.  If you have been to these CCO's and party you will want to return.  Let's WELCOME the New Year in together with our chili family.   The COMMUNITY BREAKFAST  is for all to share and to give us all a Jump Start for the day.  Please sign up to contribute to the breakfast with Carrie.  Bring your items to her early so that she can make a store run if necessary.  Volunteers to help are welcomed.  THANKS AND LET'S HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
See You There
Doc Kinnison, Great Pepper

Note:  Remember that is you have something that you want to appear in the January Terlingua Trails, you need to have it to Dana Plocheck ( by December 15.

Will that raps up this week.  Whether you are Christmas Shopping, cooking chili or just having fun, have a great weekend!