Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a reminder: Pods will be allowed a 1/4 page ad in the Terlingua Trails for one issue only. Have you used this ad to advertise you Pod CCO? Remember that you must have the information to Bucky Seelig by the 15th of the month before you want this ad to run. This is a good way to get some free advertisement of your CCO.

From Mikie McGairity:
Thanks to all the hearty souls that participated in the McHog-In events this past week-end. We had more darn fun than is allowed and proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt that chili cooks can cook just about anything.

The weather was chilly (we even had sunshine and hail at one point) but we all stayed toasty cooking in the shop. There were lots of laughs, some great food and lots of fond memories for Nick and me. The Cottondale VFD is ecstatic with the turnout and has already enlisted for next year.

And here are the results:

Saturday (44 chilis judged)

1. Cathy Preston
2. Gary Brignon
3. Dee Palmer
4. Sylvia Riordan
5. Doris Coats
6. Sam Roberts (1st point)
7. Kelly Brignon
8. Bob Coats
9. Johnnie Sullivan
10. Lee Brett
11. Dale Reinecker

1. Cool Cat Chili (Stephanie Brockman)
2. Lurch Cave Café (Robert Sullivan)
3. Bull Rush (Ginny Williams

Beans (19 judged)
1. Tina Barnes
2. Bill Riordan
3. Bob Coats

Cheeseburgers in Paradise
1. Kary Fieseler
2. Beth Moon
3. Dee Palmer

Sunday (25 chilis judged)
1. Beth Moon
2. Sylvia Riordan
3. Sherree Duncan
4. Stephanie Brockman
5. Babs Johnson
6. Kary Fieseler
7. Coby Davis
8. Bob Coats
9. T.J. Friedel
10. Gary Brignon
11. Doris Coats

1. Dream Catcher (T.J. Friedel)
2. Hawg Wild Chili (Melissa Rosa)
3. Cool Cat Chili (Stephanie Brockman)

1. Keith Longabaugh
2. Beth Moon
3. Kary Fieseler

Bloody Mary
1. Doris Coats
2. Jimmy Moon
3. Stephanie Brockman

JoAnn Scott is currently hospitalized in Midland. Get well really soon JoAnn.

Remember Dave and Kathy Boone in your prayers. They are in Houston and are awaiting results from some tests.

The deadline guaranteeing major goodie bag items to Texas Men’s State cooks has passed, but we should have plenty. To be sure you get these items, get your entry in soon.We will have an open beans competition (for men only) at TMS this year. Entry will be $10 and it will be 100% payback. That should provide a pretty good payday for some lucky cooks.