Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Ruby Ross:
HLP 39th Howdy-Roo is almost here! We invite all you cooks & judges to Howdy-Roo this Sat, May 1, 2010, in beautiful Johnson Park, 230 South Ave J, Marble Falls. The Hill Country is beautiful..still plenty of bluebonnets & wild flowers..You can come in as early as Wednesday..plenty of time for sight-seeing. Golf tee time 1 pm Friday..those ladies not golfing we have plenty of shopping..or just a nice quite afternoon by the creek watching the ducks. Northwood Health Care has a nice cook's party planned Fri night..Leslie & Carrie have been busy. They ask you to bring a desert or hors d'oeuvre. Registration Fri 3-5 for beans, BBQ, & Chili. Sat morning 8:30-10:30 am. Opening Ceremonies 9:30! We have the Silent Austion & Raffle during the day, along with Vendors, food booths, Chili concession, & Crafts. Things are lined up & ready to roll..We need you to enjoy this 39th Howdy-Roo with us!

From Debbie Turner:
My life has changed dramatically in less than 30 days. As mentioned earlier, on March 22nd, my Father passed away, he was almost 93 years old and one day short of his 65th wedding anniversary. Then in less than a month, on April 20th, my Mother passed away, she was 93 years old. Both parents had health issues, so neither passing was unexpected, but of course the family feels a great loss. They are now in a better place. 

My parents were in Assisted Care facilities for close to 10 years. I saw the great need the elderly have for attention. A visit, phone call, letter or card brings a bright spot into their lives. A few minutes of your time brings hours of joy to theirs. So, if you are inclined to send me a card, you can best honor my parents by sending one to an elderly relative or friend instead to let them know you are thinking about them, or call or visit and just send me an e-mail or add a condolence to the funeral homes web site: http://www.bozemitchellmckibbin.com/  for Elmer and Olga Eiland.

From Susie Shaw:
Hello chili friends,

We have had several requests for 2010 Battleground CCO flyer... Looks like its shaping up to be a BIG Challenge!

Yall come on to Tennessee in June, with your flags flying high!

Many thanks,
Susie and Preston Shaw
Richard and Carol Knight

From Jen Cook:
This Weekend at the Beautiful Lake Jacksonville in Jacksonville, TX. there will be a TWO DAY CASI CHILI COOK-OFF!!

There are limited RV spaces, Tent spaces and Cabins if you would like to Reserve call Linda at 586-9118 or 894-7675.

Day 1 Charity is Cherokee/Anderson County Crisis Center (lots of public)
Day 2 Charity is St. Judes sponsored by Chili's (points only cook-off)

Please plan on staying and cooking both days, it is beautiful out there and we are on the water.

If you need hotel options contact Jen or Linda.