Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From Ron Barnes:
What a day we had at Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine, TX for the 5th Annual Stop, Drop & Roll Chili Cookoff! Robin Williams and her WPI Firefighters Fund crew went well above and beyond in getting this organized. There was great weather, lots of vendors, thousands in attendance, Scott Whitaker on stage and the Dallas Margarita Society in full force! We had 56 CASI entrants and 39 Novice division chilis. What a busy day! My sincere thanks go out to the judging crew of Dru Stewart, Jim Ezell, Babs Johnson, Doris Coats, Chuck Edmonds & Mack Walker. Also, many thanks to the Tally crew of Kelly Brignon and Courtney Bowden. You can’t run a cookoff without great people and these are some the best! We will update the financials later but an early guess is well over $10k raised (I’m probably way low on this guess-timate). Now, the winners:

Chili (56 judged)
1. Cathy Preston - Arlington
2. Babs Johnson - Irving
3. Bruce Stewart - Hurst
4. Terry Booth - Euless
5. Angie Aslin - Grapevine
6. Kelly Brignon - Ennis
7. Kelly Killingbeck - Euless
8. Gale Thedford - Lewisville
9. Lacy Albrecht - Grapevine
10. Courtney Bowden - Ferris

1. American Legion Family - Karen Ducote - Euless
2. Texas Chili Chicks “Yo Ho” Chili - Robin Short - Burleson
3. Star Spangled Bandit Chili - Sherrie Bowen - Denton

This is a great event that gets better and better every year. Make your plans now for next year and the 6th Annual Stop, Drop & Roll CCO.

From Mikie McGarity:
I have gladly volunteered to be the contact person for those who are unable to attend TICC this year and would like to know who won. If those interested would please contact me in advance either by email or phone, I will be happy to share the good news just as soon as it’s received on Saturday. My email is mikie@mcgarity.org and my phone is 817-975-2200.

From Keith Karaff:
Greetings everyone. The 33rd Annual Texas Open is right around the corner. For those that haven't heard, the date has been changed from May to February. We moved it to May from August because August was too hot. In May, not only was it too hot, it was also the day before Mother's Day. (Sorry Moms). So, here we go and hopefully for the last time. The new date will be February 20,2010.

We will still be at Papa's Ice House in Spring TX. The folks there have been really great to us and are looking forward to having us there again. We are blessed to have two wonderful hard working charities. There is room for RVs but no hookups. More info regarding hotels and the cookoff will be forthcoming.

Now for the reason I am writing. Since we are so close, we will be holding early registration for the Texas Open at TICC this year. It will be open from Monday, November 2 to Friday, November 6. Now: where to register. The Texas Open banner will be hanging from my motorhome. There will be a table with registration forms, envelopes and a box to put the completed forms in. Entry fee will be $30.00. Checks only please. My motorhome is usually located next to Ralph Hay, across from Keith and Jean Barkley and Carrie and Doc Kinnison at that end of the cooks area. We certainly hope that you can join us this year in Spring. Hopefully with the date change, we can change the qualifying numbers and qualify 5 this year. Hope to see you there. Thanks everyone. Have a safe trip.

From Gari Lynn Hessong:
Plan to attend the Magnolia Hometown Christmas Chili Cook off, It is on the CASI calendar for Dec. 12th but the entry fee is supposed to be 20.00 per cook.

From Ken Rodd:
Last call to reserve your special edition Krazy Flats T shirt for 2009.

Mens T Shirt with pocket the "Slogan on the Back"
Ladies Pink T Shirt
Tank Top
Spaghetti Strap

To reserve yours, send me an email no later than noon on Wednesday

From Pam Clark:
The Octane Alley CCO has been postponed and will be rescheduled.  Look for the new date TBA soon.

Soft drinks and water will be sold individually at the Concession Stands as an alternative drink for beer and wine.  They will not be sold by the case.

Winners from the Fall Festival held at Water Valley Oct 17 and 18


1.  Cliff Miller
2.  Tim Collier
3.  Guy Bates
4.  James Timmons
5.  Wes Heflin
6.  Barbara Herrin
7.  Connie Collier
8.  Pat Timmons
9.  Karen Thomas
10.  Sue Yates

1.  Sue Yates
2.  Wes Heflin
3.  Janice Miller


1.  Karen Thomas
2.  Sue Yates
3.  Connie Collier
4.  Louis Gonzales
5.  Rick Thomas
6.  Shannon Coad
7.  Guy Bates
8.  Barbara Herrin
9.  Laura Coad
10. Tim Collier

1.  Janice Miller
2.  Sue Yates
3.  Wes Heflin