Friday, December 17, 2010

From Vickie Childers:
Those wanting to get in the drawing for the free rooms for the Tri-State Open Chili Championship need to have there registrations in the mail and post marked by December 22, 2010. The cook-off is January 8, 2011 in the Rex Baxter building on the Tri-State Fairgrounds in Amarillo, TX. We have a  meal and the Tall in Texas Pod chili cook-off on Friday night January 7,2011. For more information contact Vickie Childers at 806.355.7387 or 806.433.1793 or e-mail

It is Friday and there are 7 more shopping day's until Christmas.  Here is hoping that if your not cooking chili, that you are having fun with what you have chosen to do this weekend.