Monday, August 6, 2012

This is the information that I have to post at this time.  I have to go to the local Library each day to have Internet capability.  Here's the latest news!

From Ken Rodd:
August 6, 2012

Subject:  CASI Newsletter Contest

TO:  Great Peppers
        POD Newsletter Editors

I am pleased to announce there will be a CASI Newsletter Contest this year.  The TOP 3 winners will be presented a nice trophy from the stage at TICC on Saturday.

I highly encourage your POD to submit your newsletter for consideration.  A newsletter for the purpose of this contest is:  "A document containing information for POD members that is sent to the POD membership by email or the U.S. Postal Service". If your POD has not had a newsletter - this would be a good time to "create" one.  FACEBOOK and WEB SITES are good means of communicating with members, but a POD newsletter is the basic communication for ALL your members.

The contest rules are as follows:

  1.  A POD may submit from one to three newsletters published during 2012.  The deadline for entries received is September 20, 2012.

  2.  Entries will be sent to Ken Rodd by email - or postal mail to:  Ken Rodd, 7009 S IH-35,  Austin, TX 78744

  3.  The newsletters will be judged by 6 judges from various parts of the USA.  Judges do not know who the other judges are.

We look forward to a lot of entries in this year's Newsletter Contest.  We know you are doing good work out there - let us recognize you and your POD for what you do!!!!

If you have any questions please email me or call me on my cell phone.

Ken Rodd
Newsletter Contest Chairman
Cell phone 210 887 8827

From Jim Ezell:
Friends of CASI Sponsors: August 15 is the deadline for appearing on this year's poster. If you have any name or logo changes please contact me. Your membership is good for a year from commitment, so you do not necessarily renew yet. This is just the poster deadline.

From Jim Stateczny:
As most of you know, we have been sifting through boxes of CASI history in order that we might archive all important documents. If any of you have any documents that should be included in this project, would you please bring them with you to Dallas. I will have the necessary scanners there to process these documents.
Jim Stateczny
Hill Country Software and Support, Inc.
Phone: 800-422-1982
Fax: 830-537-4380

From Ken Rodd:
These are the cooks I have an RV site or cabin reserved at Austin Lone Star RV Resort for the U.S. National. If you made a reservation and your name is not on this list, then I messed up - SEND ME AN EMAIL OR CALL ME ASAP AND YOU WILL HAVE ONE .
If for some reason you are on the list and you can't make it, then let me know that also.
Allen, Brent - Armand, Susan - Blair, Mayo - Ezell, Jim - Gorhum, Earl - Hoy, Diane - Karaff, Keith - Klade, Michael - McDonald, Linda - Moore, Renee - Pate, Roland - Pittman, Randy - Spishock, Dorothy - Turner, Debbie.
Ken Rodd
210 887 8827