Friday, August 17, 2012

From Debbie Turner:
The Cooks Register, the historic Who's Who of the chili world address and more book is still accepting applications to be in the book and purchase one at the $20 pre-sale rate until Sept 1st. Wayne (my husband, also know as the Hugger and Gabby) is having health problems, so I will be more occupied taking care of him instead of the book for a now, which is also way I'm late in getting started on updating this 19th edition. Contact me if you did not receive your application, wish to be in the book or update your current listing or just want information.

I have gotten through all the reports that I have received and I am still working with them.  I am missing reports from the following Pods:

Chili Hawg Pod
Cowboy Capital Chili Pod
Empire State Pod
MasonDixon Pod
Piedmont Pepper Pod
Virgin Pod

If you have a Great Pepper that you would like to honor by nominating them for Great Pepper of the Year, please get that letter of nomination to me right away.  Remember that the Great Peppers vote on this at the Great Pepper's Meeting.

It's Friday and time to start thinking about the weekend!  Here's hope you have a great weekend and can enjoy the fact that summer is almost over.  If you still need points, there is only a short time left to get them for this year's TICC.   Remember Chili, Charity and Fun.