Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The CASI Sponsorship Program is a very important part of the national and TICC experience. The funding and other support we get from sponsors plays a huge part in CASI’s financial success and stature as a 501(c)3 tax free charitable corporation. Due to the importance of obtaining and keeping sponsors for CASI and TICC, the following policy shall be in force.

Any requests for information relative to CASI Sponsors or Sponsorship must be made to the Sponsorship Chairman. If there is someone who may be interested in becoming a CASI sponsor, please notify the Sponsorship Chairman who will, in turn, contact the potential sponsor and investigate any possibility.

If a CASI member wishes to contact a sponsor, they must go through the Sponsorship Chair. It is crucial to our relationship with the sponsor that the proper channels be followed when communications are made. Established lines of communication have been developed with the pertinent departments of the sponsors. Approaching sponsors from a different direction can cause distractions and confusion.

Many times the generosity of our sponsors, or statements made by them, leaves the impression that anyone can call at any time and request assistance. This is not the case. Failure to observe the established policy can easily lead to CASI becoming a nuisance and, ultimately, damage our partnership.

These great businesses have extended their hand and checkbook for a mutually beneficial experience with CASI. Let’s do every thing we can to respect and support their products. We don’t want to wear out that welcome.

Remember, if you wish to seek information from a sponsor or know of a potential sponsor, please contact Jim Ezell, Sponsorship Chair, at jezell8642@aol.com .

From Bucky Seelig:
The May issue of the Trails has been posted on the CASI Website and is ready for your reading pleasure. Make sure to take the time to read the article on Page 3 prepared by Jim Ezell, Sponsorship Chair, regarding the “Policy on CASI Sponsorship.” Also remember to support the CASI Sponsors whenever possible.

NOTE: Please check yesterdays post. I have updated some names that were spelled wrong.
May you each have a Great Day. It is suppose to get above 90 here today, so I'm not sure if Summer is beginning or it is a HOT Spring Day!