Monday, April 27, 2009

From Pam Clark:

Here are a few pictures from the Hellhole Cookoff; as you can see, it was a beautiful day and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. We only had 10 cooks, and my husband and I were the only ones who didn't make California-style chili. I've never seen some of those ingredients in chili before! Rick wants to do it again next year, so I'm planning to work with him and try to get some of the people in his organization interested in cooking according to CASI rules. (This CCO was held in Hellhole Canyon Open Space Preserve, Valley Center, CA. It was a first try for this CCO and because it did not have enough cooks it was not sanctioned. Hopefully they can do it again next year and get enough CASI cooks to make it a sanctioned CCO)

From Shirley Bates:

Winners on April 26, 2009 at the Hog Pit were;

1. Joann Scott-Odessa

2. Keith Patton-Odessa

3. Amy Patton-Odessa

4. Guy W. Bates-Midland

5. Dave Boone-Odessa

6. Phyllis Patton-Odessa

7. LeeRoy Childress-Midland

8. Dennis Brackeen- Lamesa

9. Kelly Draper-Tahoka

10. Morris Bryan-Lubbock

Next weekend the Concho Valley Chili Pod is having a CCO at the Sherwood Court House. You say "Where is Sherwood?" Take highway 67 toward Mertzon until you reach highway 72. Take it 1 mile. There is a sign on Highway 67 from both directions that say Sherwood. Benefits the Sherwood Court House Restoration. RV Parking available, Dry Camping . Jackpot Beans Turn in at 1200 Noon, Entry Fee $5. Chili Turn in at 2:00 PM Entry fee $18.00. CHILI GRIND ONLY. There will be a cake auction, raffle and a 50/50 pot. Entry fees payable to Concho Valley Chili Pod. There will be an Arts and Crafts Fair. There will also be other entertainment. There will be something for every member of your family.

From Ruby Ross:

YA'LL COME to our 38th Annual Howdy-Roo on May 2, 2009 in Johnson Park in Marble Falls. Friday Golf 1 pm (cooks only). Friday night Cook's Party. Come out & enjoy Mexican food with us served with a margarita. Sat we begin the day with bloody Marys. CASI Chili $20 turn-in 2 pm. Local business chili $20 turn-in 2 pm; Beans $10 turn-in Noon; Lonestar Bar-B-Q Chicken, ribs, brisket $20 each or $50 for all categories. We will also have our silent auction along with the raffle. Concession, Vendors & LOADS of fun. Throw down supper Sat night. Also Sunday we have Backbone Creek Chili Cookoff. Chili $18 turn-in 1 pm. The park will be open on Wednesday pm. Plenty RV parking NO ELECTRICITY. Looking forward to seeing you!!

Today I am going to identify the Finance Committee. This was the only Committee that I did not identify when I discussed the 5 Special Committees as outlined in the Bylaws. Members of this committee are Ed Blair, Chairman John Goforth, Co-Chairman and Jim Ezell, Member. The Finance Committee will assure the financial well-being of the corporation, adjust budget models, insure financial accountability, and oversee the actions of the Treasurer.

Hope you each have a great day. We are getting the needed rain, but we are also getting hail. The hail we didn't need!