Monday, January 30, 2012

From Lisa Brown:
Happy Trails to you!

Second stop on the trail, Rankin February 4, 2012

Schedule for the Regional Horn Toad CCO and Roundup

Thursday Feb 2: Join us for dinner at 6pm at LaFamilia Restaurant (west Hwy 67)

Friday Feb 3: Lunch at1pm at the pavilion
Registration 3pm to 5pm $25.00, Cooks Pot $2.00, 42 Tourney $5.00 each
Fish Fry. 6pm
Tequila Rose Party 7pm
Dominoes, games and visiting til ?????????

Saturday Feb 4: Breakfast and Bloody Marys: 8-10am
Registration: 9-Noon
Cooks Meeting: 10am
Chili Turn In. 2pm

Soup, soup and throw down 1 hour after awards

42 Tournament following dinner

After Rankin, it's on to WaterValley February 11 and 12,
Then on to Comstock February 18 and 19,
Then this chili trail ends with the Texas Open in San Antonio February 25 and 26.

Hoping to see YOU on the trail!

From Bill Pierson

It's the little things

Yesterday (Saturday) there was a memorial service for our recently departed Bert Centers. It was well attended by local chili cooks, perhaps equaling family. (Bert had seven siblings.) No one expected an official CASI representation beyond our Great Pepper. (First time I've seen him with a tie on.) However, Darin and Tonya drove up from Indianapolis for the service to support the IL cooks. This was noticed, and greatly appreciated. It's little things like this that promote the bond between CASI and its membership.
Thank you Darin and Tonya.

From Darin Jester:
Red Hot and Wild will be the theme for Saturday, February 25th in Kokomo.

I know there’s been some word out there that the cco had been cancelled. The cco is on as originally scheduled but with some alterations due to the changes in staff at the Chamber.

Due to the short notice the Chamber gave us as to their intent to cancel and handover the cco to the United Way for 2013, they didn’t want to leave us high and dry this year. So, they agreed to host a CASI only cco.

There will be little to no public. Turn-in time will be 12noon instead of 1pm. If there is interest for a Jr’s division, please let us know and I will work with the Chamber on that.

Location is the same … Kokomo Event and Conference Center (Ivy Tech), 1500 N. Reed Road.

If you have any questions, please contact either Tonya or myself.

PLEASE let us know if you plan to participate.

Thanks and hope to see you in Kokomo!!!

From Lane Blair:
 The CCO in Watkinsville, Ga that was scheduled for 1-21-12 was cancelled at the last moment due to severe weather and tornado warnings. This was to be held at the Oconee Middle School with lot's of activities for the children and the organizer didn't want to chance it. She is working with me to come up with another date that can be posted in the Trails to comply with the necessary lead time to make it official.

From Sharron Christopherson:
Here’s a flyer for the Goldfield CCO!

 Reminder from Barbara Herrin
This a reminder that all scholarship applications need to be submitted to me by Feb. 1, 2012.

From Janita Hines:

From Carolyn Seelig and Connie Collier:
The form for donating to the CASI Scholarship fund instead of buying treats for Texas State Ladies CCO can now be found on the web page in the Resource Center!