Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From Traci Bond:
Here  is the flyer for Kerrfest 2011 on August 6th. It’s a new cook-off that is in conjunction with an Open-Pro Rodeo and Home Brew Contest. If anyone would like more information they can contact me at traci@terminixabc.com Come and get your last points for the season!! Entry fee does include tickets for the rodeo Fri/Sat nights for those that want to come early and stay late! We have plenty of room for RVs and Day cooks. Hope to see many of you there!

From  Robert Talavera:
First of all, there are only a few who enter because there are only a few that feel they have the caliber of newsletter worthy of an award. In my pod (SOT), we have officers write articles, and have a willing volunteer to edit a newsletter. We are lucky to have people in our group who know how to create a newsletter. It takes a lot of time from everyone involved. Having few entries into a newsletter competition has much more to do with CASI members wanting to see those that spend a lot of time and energy on their pod’s newsletter rewarded, rather than a lack of interest in the newsletter itself.

Second, I don’t think anyone is assuming removing the newsletter award is an indication that a pod can’t have a newsletter. That’s ridiculous. 

Third, the reason people are upset is because it happened in the middle of the season. It was announced inappropriately and decided unfairly. Anyone can see that. Thank you for the history lesson of the award’s creation, but it is irrelevant to the disagreement. 

Finally, the reason no one has submitted an entry to this year’s contest is because we are told to submit 3 months of newsletters by October 1.

Mr. Pierson, I am upset not because of the lack of award I may or may not get—that’s not why I volunteer for my pod. I am upset because a cancellation of a contest in the middle of the contest with no legitimate reason is bad sportsmanship. From a group that supports, loves, and cuddles itself a warm blanket of good sportsmanship, it is like spitting in someone’s chili and laughing rather than patting them on the back and saying, “good luck.” It’s not the award, it’s the spirit of the contest. Got it? That’s why people are bothered. 

As for the spirit of your letter, and Mr. Foltz’ sudden announcement, maybe having a newsletter is insignificant to you. Maybe you would just prefer receiving an email from your Pod with info and updates. I, on the other hand, enjoy creating our newsletter. I know for a fact people enjoy getting my newsletter. I hear it all the time and it makes me feel good especially after all the time and hard work it takes to put one together. I have a full time job, wife, house and three kids. Finding time to do our newsletter is difficult. I don’t do it for a trophy, although it’s nice and exciting to enter the contest. I do it because it’s fun and it makes me feel SIGNIFICANT to our Pod.

Robert Talavera
SOT Pod Newsletter Editor

NOTE:  If your Pod has not completed their Annual Credentials Report and either emailed it or snail mailed it to me, remember that I must have them by August 15. 

If you want to present a Rule Change, each of your Great Peppers has received this with their Credentials Packet and it is also located on our web page (www.chili.org) in the Resource Center.  This also needs to be to me no later than August 15.

If you would  like to run for one of the CASI Board of Director's Position, you will also find that on our Web site in the Resource Center.