Tuesday, April 13, 2010

From Tammie Wooster:
Relay for Life - Jim Ezells House - WF TX - Saturday, April 10th

37 Chilis
1. Dennis (Smurf) Jackson - Iowa Park
2. Laura Wooster - WF
3. Judy Walker - Burkburnett
4. Mel Fitzhenry - WF
5. Don Walker - Burkburnett
6. Michael Bryan - WF
7. David (Budda) Manske - Arlington
8. Shirley Smith - WF
9. Sherry Muhlbauer - WF
10. Carol West - Telephone

1. Frances Sullivan - Waxahachie

1. David (Budda) Manske - Arlington
2. Johnny Thompson - Graham
3. Regina Petross - Graham

And now the event you have been waiting .........results for The First Annual Catfish Riding Contest....This event was judged by the officials of the PCRA - Professional Catfish Riding Association!!!

1. Frances Sullivan - Riding Silver Tongue - This one even bit her a couple times but she held on!!! Way to go Frances!

2. Sherry Muhlbauer - Riding Snap Tail - If you wonder how this one got its name, just look at Sherry....This sucker could snap that tail around and slap you upside the head in the blink of an eye....

3. Judy Walker - Riding Cork Screw - In my opinion Judy should have one this one for nothing else but sure grace!!!_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Outskirts Cookoff - WF TX - Sunday, April 11th 24 Chilis

1. Tammie Wooster - WF
2. Jon Reese - WF
3. Pam Reese - WF
4. Laura Wooster - WF
5. Cindy Noe - WF
6. Roy Huston - WF
7. Shirley Smith - WF - Qualified!
8. Christopher Reese - WF - brand new cook.....
9. Chuck Hawthorne - WF
10. Michael Bryan - WF

Open Chili
1. Felicity - Nursing Association - WF
2. Bethany Charboneau - WF

1. Laura Wooster - Desert Barbie - WF
2. Tom Noe - Snappy Tom - WF
3. James Taylor - Easy Rider - WF

Thanks to everyone who came out and cooked, judged or just show your support...This was a hugely successful weekend for both these charities....!!!

Connie Collier shared these pictures from Jason and the Baghdad CCO.

Because of my personal health issues and with the Dr's recommendation as well as the fact that my father is so gravely ill, I will not get to attend Texas Ladies State championship.  This will be the first time that I have not attended this event since the mid 1990's.  This is an event that I look forward to each year because of the fellowship and the time of sharing with all of the other women in our chili world.  I am wishing each of you the best of luck and will be waiting to find out who makes stage!  Good Luck and have a really GREAT time!