Thursday, April 29, 2010

From Barbara Herrin:
Please keep Sue and RonnieYates in your prayers.  Sue's son, Larry Nash, who lives in Milton, Florida is very ill and is dying.  Sue has left for Florida to be with her son and his family.   Sue need's us to remember her in our prayers.

From Blu Danniels:
It's here! The long awaited results from the Chandler TX CCO this past weekend. With a whopping 15 chili's (whew) judged, we had a grand time, got to cook chili and have fun and fellowship with our chili cooking friends, which is what our purpose is all about. This cookoff always has great prizes, not trophies, but we all know we're there for the points, right? Thank you Neta Rohr, for coming over to be our Ref and help with the tally.

Chili winners:
1st: John Daniels, Winona
2nd: Bear Reynolds, Longview
3rd: Sherry Suckey, Shreveport (Q)
4. Spud Griffin, Arp
5. Cherry Baker, Shreveport
6. Roger Evans, Flint
7. Bob Gilham, Brownsboro, 1st time cook
8. David Lake, Jacksonville
9. Jacob McCullough, Jacksonville
10. Lin Lindsey, Murchison

1. Mad Hatters II, Lou Hewlett , Tyler (Q)
2. Bear's Chili, Bear Reynolds, Longview
3. Kickapoo Creek Chili, Lin Lindsey, Murchison

Bear Reynolds, Longview with Butter Beans!

That is all I have for today.  I hope each of you are having a good spring day and that the weather where ever you are is Sunny and Bright!