Thursday, August 6, 2009

From Mayo Blair

Please keep George Thompson from Houston in your prayers. He just got the news this week that he is now battling stage four colon cancer and they also found a spot on his lung and one on his liver. Spoke with him today and he is being set up with home chemo treatments starting next week. There is no cure he said, but this will hopefully give him more time to enjoy life. George and Edna are long time chili cooks in the Houston area and an active member of the Houston Elks Lodge #151. He is 88 years young and looking forward to a lot more years he said, and also said he is not ready to give up yet. God Bless George and we are glad you are not yet ready to give up.

If you would like to send him a card his address is

George Thompson

6850 Hazen Street

Houston, TX 77074

I do not have any other news today, but will remind you that the deadline for applying for a Director's position is August 15. Also, please get your Pod Credentials to me by Aug 15. Thanks to all of you who have already sent their information to me.

Hope you all have a great day. Here in MO it has really been nice weather, but will be glad to return to home and less humidity.