Wednesday, March 7, 2012


From Kelly Brignon:
Attention Texas Open Top Ten and Final Table: If you did not receive a Mild Bill's GC, please contact me at so that I may follow up with those on the Texas Open Committee so that we may ensure that you receive your gift certificate. All of the winners and those who got final table should have received a gift certificate from Mild Bill's. While we couldn't be there, we wanted to support Texas Open and the chili cooks who attended and placed. Thank you!!

ConAgra has not discontinued Gebhardts, but has begun to phase out certain packaging options that were previously available. The 3 oz bottles are still available through Mild Bill's as well as San Antonio Original (Gebhardts in our package with our label). Mild Bill's has the capability of meeting the minimum order required by ConAgra, so rest assured you will still be able to buy Gebhardts in any quantity through Mild Bill’s and know that it is the freshest available. Remember, all of our spices are kept in a humidity controlled walk in cooler and are not packaged until they are sold and shipped to you. While you may be able to purchase Gebhardts, as well as other spices, through your grocery store or other spice companies, only Mild Bill’s can offer the highest quality spices with the best prices and best service. Many of our blends are exclusive to Mild Bill’s, so you won’t be able to find them anywhere else. Thank you again for your business – we appreciate all of our customers! Please do not hesitate to contact Kelly at Mild Bill’s with any questions – 972.875.2975 or Have a Spicy Day!