Monday, December 14, 2009

From Donna Conrad:

HO HO HO There's a Chili Cook Off Coming to Hog Creek Ice House This Coming Week End Dec. 18th, 19th & 20th.

Friday Night Dec. 18th Santa Paws CCO / Benefiting The Waco Birth Control Animal Clinic / Turn in Time 9:00 PM / Entry $18.00 / Chili Grind Only.

Sat. Dec.19th Toys For Tots CCO / Turn in Time 2:00 PM / Entry $18.00 / Chili Grind Only.

Santa Will Wrap Things Up On Sunday Dec. 20th With Tyson Food's Favorite Charity The Special Olympics Program.Turn In Time 1:00 PM / Entry $18.00 / Chili Grind Only. Tyson Foods is a Sponsor of TICC & The Great Peppers Meeting for the last 6 years. There will be Tyson Rep's at the cook off on Sat. & Sunday. Please give them a warm welcome.

Hog Creek Ice House is @ 6900 Hwy 6 & 185 Woodyway, TX. Plenty of room for RV's & Day Trippers, NO HOOK UP's. If you haven't been to Hog Creek Ice House you don't know what your missing, Just ask Mama Sue.

We have lots of New and Exciting Happing's. Load Up Your Sleigh And Come Join The Fun. For Those of you that would like to come and don't have a place to stay, LaQuinta Inn & Suites on Hwy 84 in Waco is giving CASI cookers a room rate of $95.00 + tax. ( they are regular $ 149.00 + tax). Give them a call @ 254-772-0200. Just tell them your a chili cook,

You can come in as early as Thursday. For more information call 254-855-4733 or 254-855-2767.

Hope to see Yall There.

From Dana Plocheck:
Reminder – the deadline for the January Trails is tomorrow, December 15th. Please get your articles to me as soon as possible. Thank you, Dana

From Vickie Childress:
Just a reminder for those thinking about attending the Tri-State Open Chili Championship in Amarillo, TX on January 9, 2010. The cook-off is held inside the Rex Baxter building on the Tri-State Fairgrounds. The cook-off benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Texas Plains. Ground Meat only and turn in is 1 PM. Entry Fee is $25.00 with checks payable to the Tri-State Open. Mail entries to Vickie Childers 4300 Olsen, Amarillo, TX 79106. For those early registrations post marked on or before December 28, 2009 you have a chance in the drawing for a free room. The host hotels are Fifth Seasons Inn $49.00 at 6801 I-40 West 806.358.7881 and the Days Inn East $47.00 at 1701 E I-40 806.379.6255. Please ask for the Tri-State open or the Make-A-Wish Open rate. If you have any questions please contact Vickie Childers 806.355.7387 or e-mail me @

Also on Friday night, January 8, 2010, we will host out Pod cook-off in the same building. Ground Meat only and turn in is 8:30 PM entry fee $20.00.  Make checks payable to Tall in Texas Pod and mailed to Vickie Childers. See address above. We will also have a cooks party and a meal on Friday night. Jr. cook-off Friday night entry fee $5.00 turn in 7:30. Kids cook in a supervised area. These are great cook-off hope to see you there.

From Diane Stimson:

We now have 2 more HEB cook offs behind us and YES, they are once AGAIN ALREADY talking about NEXT YEARS cook off.....LOL so mark your calendars NOW .....I would like to thank my Head Judge for both days, John Caffey, my tally crew's Billy Doss, Jason Kaehler, Steve Ashman, Doc Kinnison, Carrie Kinnison & John Caffey. My monitors, Alan Dean and Doc Kinnison....and Pat Pilchiek for helping run tables and marking cups.....and of course all of the cooks who came out and cooked and supported HEB, and of course Donna Conrad for getting HEB involved to begin with. I am sure I have forgotten someone and I apologize if I have, we had cold & wet weather on Saturday, but Sunday turned out to be a fairly nice day! So on to the results.......

SATURDAY 12-12-2009
21 chilis judged

1. David Lefler - Bardwell,TX (Q)
2. Jennifer Collier - Temple,TX
3. Sue Caffey - Rockdale,TX
4. Kay Lefler - Bardwell,TX
5. Steve Ashman - Bastrop,TX
6. Dianne Stimson - Crawford,TX
7. Neal Doss - Georgetown,TX
8. Randy Duke - Valley Mills,TX
9. Donna Conrad - Crawford,TX
10. Raymond Pilchiek - Bluffton,TX


1. Tall Girl Frog - Sue Caffey, Rockdale,TX
2. Winks Surprise - Dianne Stimson, Crawford,TX
3. One More Foggy Bottom - Chyann Lenn, Round Rock,TX

Sunday 12-13-2009
19 chilis judged

1. Dianne Stimson - Crawford,TX
2. Kay Lefler - Bardwell,TX (Q)
3. Angie Duke - Valley Mills,TX
4. Steve Ashman - Bastrop,TX
5. Jason Kaehler - Temple,TX
6. David P. Lazarus - Killeen,TX
7. Raymond Pilchiek - Bluffton,TX
8. Elke Jensen - Killeen,TX
9. John Caffey - Rockdale,TX
10. Randy Duke - Valley Mills,TX


1. One More Foggy Bottom - Chyann Lenn, Round Rock,TX
2. Tall Girl Frog - Sue Caffey, Rockdale,TX
3. Spine Tingling Chili - Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls,TX

From Larry Wampler:

It was The Pearl Harbor Day, VFW Post #2559 CCO, in West Tawakoni, TX. I want to thanks the 16 cooks, that braved the 40 degree weather and misting rain to cook. Thanks to the people from Shreveport, for cooking both days. There will a 2 day, CCO in June 12th & 13th.  There are some Elec. RV, hoop-ups.

CASI Chili

1-Judy Russell = Shreveport, LA
2-Glenda Vrbg= Waco, TX
3-Jerry Hunt= Shreveport, La=Q
4-Pat Langley=Garland, TX
5-Renee Griffin=Arp, TX
6-Larry Russell=Shreveport, TX
7-Jack Shultz=West Tawakoni, TX
8-Paul Seastrunic= Garland, TX
9- Larry Wampler= Terrell, TX
10-Jonathan (Spud) Griffin= Arp, TX (long ride home, first time for Renee to beat him)

1-Chili Diva=Nancy Hewlett=Murphy, TX=Q
2- Roadwarrior's Roadkill Chili Brew=Larry Wampler=Terrell, Tx=Q
3-Hells Fury=Shirley Sexton=Dallas, TX