Friday, August 5, 2011

It's FRIDAY finally! It is time to think about finding a CCO to enjoy this weekend. There are several from which to choose. Here in MO, we had WET stuff fall out of the sky yesterday. We will try to bottle it up and bring it home with us as we head back to West Texas on Sunday. At least yesterday the heat was not over 100 degrees for once! It has been hotter here than it has been in West Texs this entire week. We must have brought some of the heat with us.

Remember that your Pod's Annual Reort is due to me no later than August 15. That is not far away. Also, if you are proposing a Rule Change, it must also be to me by August 15.

There is still time to decide to run for a CASI Board of Director's position. There will be 4 positions to fill. It will put some excitement in your life. Without Director's, we will not have the needed people to plan and work TICC.

The Annual Credential's Report Package, the Nominatiins Application, and the Rule Change Proposal paper work can all be found on our web page ( the Resource Center. You can also send me an email requesting it, and I will send it as quickly as possible.

We head for West Texas on Sunday and will be home sometime late Monday. If you need something from me before I get home, I am on my Cell phone (325 650 1854). I have limited email while we are on the road.

Have a Great Chili weekend and here's hoping that if you are looking for that last point, that you get it this weekend!