Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Post:

From Lorinda Crawford:
We have received a text message from Tom "Tucker" Snyder this morning (Friday) that his Mom, Mary Snyder passed away.

She had been in bad health for a little while after having a heart attack last year.

We don't know any information yet regarding the service but will pass it along once it is received.

Tucker - Tom Synder
1145 S Canton
Tulsa OK 74112
Home 918 838 0796
Cell 917 671 5061

Mary Snyder
(Steve) Synder
 3531 East 4th Place
Tulsa, OK 74112

From Dana Plocheck:
The June Trails is available for viewing online!

Barbara Herrin has received word that her grandson (baby Coulton) passed away late last night.  No other information is available at this time.  Once I get further information, I will share it.  Please keep Barbara and her family in your prays.

Monday's Post will be late.  If I receive information about any of the above, I will try to find a ;pace to post it.